Welcome, where best intentions to pray meet commitment.

Here you will find a structure of the daily office with a variety of morning prayers to pray throughout the week. Experience the benefits of a disciplined prayer time with videos, Monday through Saturday, posted each week.

 If being committed to prayer describes you, be sure to  let us know that you, too, have moved from intention to commitment and are praying with us.

Please right-click on the date to pull up a pdf in a different tab if you would like to read along.

A video version of morning prayer is available on Facebook, and is linked to YouTube below.

Audio and video versions are available at 12:00am on given date.


Saturday Nov 20

Prayers for strength and confidence, for schools and colleges, for church musicians and artists.

New Testament: Revelation  22:14-21    NRSV

Psalm: 107:33-43

Gospel:  Matthew 18:21-35  NRSV

Friday Nov 19

Prayers for a sick person, for the unemployed, for the unity of the church.

New Testament: Revelation 22:6-13    NRSV

Psalm: 102  

Gospel:  Matthew 18:10-20  NRSV

Thursday Nov 18


Prayer for recovery of sickness, for our enemies, for sound government. 

New Testament: Revelation 21:22-22:5  NRSV

Psalm: 105:1-22  

Gospel:  Matthew  18:1-9   NRSV

Wednesday Nov 17

COMMEMORATION:  Philip William Otterbein

Prayers for health of body and soul, for the congregation, for in times of conflict.

New Testament:  Revelation 21:9-21 NRSV

Psalm: 101

Gospel:  Matthew 17:22-27   NRSV

Tuesday Nov 16

Commemoration:  Margaret, Queen of Scotland

Prayers for social justice, for the GNJUMC Conference .

New Testament: Revelation 21:1-8   NRSV

Psalm: 97

Gospel:  Matthew 17:14-21  NRSV

Monday Nov 15

Prayer for strength and confidence, for clergy and people, for the renewal of life.

New Testament: Revelation 20:7-15   NRSV

Psalm: 89:1-18

Gospel:  Matthew 17:1-13   NRSV